Born in Wales, educated in England and lived ten years in Ireland – birthplace of all my grandparents. A late University of London, Institute of Education Bachelor of Education degree and Certified Teacher graduate; emigrant to Latin America where I have lived and worked continuously for the past forty-six years in seven different countries in northern South America, the Caribbean and Mexico, and travelled worldwide.
My professional career has been linked to social development planning and project implementation for economically and politically marginalized communities – urban, rural and indigenous – be that at NGO advisory, university teacher and oil company corporate social responsibility coordinator levels. Fluent in Spanish, I have also cultivated my English language heritage by teaching English throughout – becoming a fulltime activity in the last eight years.
5 things to keep doing:
- Improving as a grand-parent.
- Being supportive to my University of Miami MSc. Nurse Practitioner graduate, Venezuelan born, bilingual daughter.
- Investigating my actual home venue: the fascinating peninsula of Yucatan, S. E. Mexico.
- Writing about completing over half a lifetime in Latin America.
- Living an agreeable austerity with eco-friendly convictions.
Film: Particularly the Noigr genre and a wide variety of Spanish speaking films as from Argentina, Cuba, Spain, Mexico and Colombia.
Reading: Samuel Becket, Cormac McCarthy, Umberto Eco, John Le Carré, and Latin American Authors.
Theatre: I am the Co-Founder of two amateur theatre groups.
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